鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 49
网络下载管理器是一款连网加速工具:以提高下载速度,并产生恢复和进度中下载。-Internet Download Manager 6.05.8 (2011.03.19)
使您能够揭示和恢复密码被保存在Internet Explorer,Outlook,ICQ,Trillian,ftp,...等-SpotAuditor 4.0.7 (2011.02.01)
使您能够揭示和恢复密码被保存在Internet Explorer,Outlook,ICQ,Trillian,ftp,...等
是一款浏览器插件工具,以警告潜在的安全或隐私问题有关网络问题。-WOT for Internet Explorer 20101220 (2010.12.21)
一款计算机书签管理器工具软件。-Bookmark Buddy 3.7.1 (2010.11.09)
一款具有续传功能的下载工具软件,可以支持多点下载以及快速传输完毕的功能。-Internet Download Manager 5.19.4 (2010.11.05)
一款Internet Explorer,Outlook,ICQ,Trillian,FTP Tools等密码与登入复原工具。-SpotAuditor 4.0.2 (2010.10.26)
一款Internet Explorer,Outlook,ICQ,Trillian,FTP Tools等密码与登入复原工具。
是一款安全密码管理器工具软件-RoboForm 6.10.1 (2010.09.26)
一款浏览器插件,可以警告潜在的安全问题相关网站,以及搜索引擎网站结果。-WOT for Internet Explorer 20100830 (2010.08.31)
计算机个人使用纪录清除器工具软件-Privacy Eraser Pro 8.35 (2010.08.17)
的安全是IE浏览器附加工具:可以帮助你识别网站链接到间谍,广告软件,垃圾邮件,病毒,钓鱼,欺诈等-McAfee SiteAdvisor (2010.06.27)
用来阻绝即时消息通讯、网页浏览、网络电话、档案分享或其它串流媒体的工具,家庭或企业都可用。-IM Lock 2010 (2009.12.19)
-East-Tec Eraser 2009 9.4 (2009.05.30)
East-Tec Eraser 2008 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk
其目的是彻底消除从您的电子计算器中的敏感数据数据的工具软件。-East-Tec Eraser 2008 9.2 (2009.02.15)
微软针对OEM及PND开发推出专用操作系统 (2008.06.26)
继先前宣布Windows Embedded产品重新命名策略后,微软在六月首度推出以新名称亮相的两项新产品,分别为Windows XP Embedded的升级版本Windows Embedded Standard 2009,以及首款针对导航装置(PND)的嵌入式操作系统Windows Embedded NavReady 2009嵌入式操作系统
-Tracks Eraser 6.0 (2008.06.19)
Tracks Eraser enables you to quickly clean up all the unwanted cache and history data generated by browser,windows and applications. You can remove the broswer' s typed URLs,cache, cookies, history data, auto-complete memory and plug-Ins
-Tracks Eraser 5.2 (2007.11.23)
Tracks Eraser enables you to quickly clean up all the unwanted cache and history data generated by browser,windows and applications. You can remove the broswer' s typed URLs,cache, cookies, history data, auto-complete memory and plug-Ins
-East-Tec Eraser 2007 8.5 (2007.05.19)
East-Tec Eraser 2007 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk
-Tracks Eraser 5.1 (2007.03.04)
Tracks Eraser enables you to quickly clean up all the unwanted cache and history data generated by browser,windows and applications. You can remove the broswer' s typed URLs,cache, cookies, history data, auto-complete memory and plug-Ins
O2推出Xda Zinc与Graphite 3G手机 (2007.02.09)
O2推出3G手机。Xda Zinc与O2 Graphite结合通讯技术和强劲处理器,来执行用户的各项工作和日常应用程序。两款手机旨在让通讯畅通无阻,让用户享受更精采、更高效率的生活
-Tracks Eraser 5.0 (2007.01.01)
Tracks Eraser enables you to quickly clean up all the unwanted cache and history data generated by browser,windows and applications. You can remove the broswer' s typed URLs,cache, cookies, history data, auto-complete memory and plug-Ins

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1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相机具备 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
2 明纬推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED灯带
3 Microchip多核心64位元微处理器支援智慧边缘设计
4 FlexEnable柔性显示技术创新产品目前已出货
5 Basler新型 CXP-12线扫描相机具备8k和16k解析度
6 英飞凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定义 AI 伺服器电源功效
7 ROHM超小型CMOS运算放大器适用於智慧手机和小型物联网应用
8 Emerson新型气动阀提供自动化高度灵活性和优化流量
9 友通EC5 系列嵌入式系统适合工业自动化的多元应用需求
10 英飞凌新一代CoolGaN电晶体系列采用8 寸晶圆制程


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