鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 9
Advanced Energy的48V开放式机架电源可为资料中心节省能耗 (2021.11.05)
Advanced Energy宣布推出一款高密度、高效率、可支援48V、30kW双端馈电并符合开放式机架标准第3版(ORv3)的机架电源,其亮点是适用于超大规模运算设备和企业级资料中心,可确保其中的运算系统和储存设备作业时更加稳定可靠
支援24G SAS/ PCIe Gen 4三模式 Microchip新型储存控制器开始量产 (2021.01.13)
追求更高效能,是下一代数据中心储存平台的共同目标。现在,伺服器OEM和云端服务营运商常采用的方法包括:PCIe Gen 4 X16 CPU介面、最新的非挥发性(NVMe)SSD和24G SAS基础架构
瑞昱在2009微软管理高峰会议中展出DASH成果 (2009.04.29)
瑞昱半导体宣布在2009年04/27~05/01于美国内华达州,拉斯韦加斯举行的[2009微软管理高峰会议]中,将以瑞昱的以太网络产品展示兼容于DASH的远程网络控管技术。 DASH (桌上型与可携式系统硬件架构) 是依据DMTF的网络服务标准而制定的规格,其目的在促进产业网管标准的统一,并为不同供货商之间的产品互操作性提供有效的解决方案
-desktopim Alpha1.0 (2008.04.02)
DesktopIM is a monitoring and management console for desktop and mobile personal computers being designed around the new CIM based DASH management interface standard being developed at the DMTF.
-OMC - Open Management with CIM 2006-12-12 (2006.12.13)
An open-source umbrella project that includes implementations of the Open Standards management profiles and specifications defined by the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force), related tools and utilities, and other CIM/DMTF related projects
-OpenWBEM 3.2.2 (2006.10.20)
The OpenWBEM project is an implementation of the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) WBEM (Web Based Enterprise Management) standard.
-OpenWBEM (2006.02.04)
The OpenWBEM project is an implementation of the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) WBEM (Web Based Enterprise Management) standard.
-Model Wizard 2.0.9 (2005.12.14)
Model Wizard is a set of Eclipse plug-ins that support Information Modeling using EMF/UML2. The plug-ins although initially targeted at the DMTF's Common Information Model should support any Object Orientated UML class model
-OpenWBEM 3.1.0 with ssl patch (2005.04.07)
The OpenWBEM project is an implementation of the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) WBEM (Web Based Enterprise Management) standard.

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6 Sophos新款XGS系列桌上型防火墙及防火墙软体更新版
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