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ECP3 Video Protocol Board
原厂/品牌: Lattice 上架日期: 03/22
供应商: Lattice 產品類別: FPGA

     The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins. When configuring to TRLVDS mode, the I/O pins on banks 0 and 1 can also be used to receive the TMDS signals of DVI or HDMI video standard.

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LFE3-95EA-V-EVN ECP3 Video Protocol Board       洽詢 2 周 1 洽詢

Board Features

  • Video interfaces for interconnection to video standard equipment
  • Allow the demonstration of SD/HD/3G-SDI, DisplayPort and PCI Express (x4) interfaces using SERDES channels
  • High speed Mezzanine connector connected to SERDES channels for future expansion
  • Allows the demonstration of LVDS video standards – ChannelLink and CameraLink
  • Allows control of SERDES PCS registers using the Serial Client Interface (ORCAstra)
  • Allows the demonstration of receiving TMDS signals using the DVI interface
  • On-board Boot Flash with Serial SPI Flash memory device
  • Shows interoperation with high performance DDR2 memory components
  • Driver-based “run-time” device configuration capability via an ORCAstra or RS232 interface
  • SMAs for external high-speed clock / PLL inputs
  • Switches, LEDs and LCD display header for demo purposes
  • Mictor connector for using Logic Analyzer in the debugging phase
  • Input connection for lab-power supply
  • Power connections and power sources
  • ispVM™ programming support
  • On-board and external reference clock sources
  • Various high-speed layout structures
  • User-defined input and output points
  • Performance monitoring via test headers, LEDs and switches

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