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报告:全球企业拥有7x24网路资安防护效能仅三分之一 (2024.10.22)
-CRD 6.6.090511 (2009.05.21)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.6.090223 (2009.03.05)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.6 (2008.07.25)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
WiMAX指定实验室CCS采用R&S 测试系统 (2008.07.02)
程智科技(CCS)与电信技术中心(TTC)共同为WiMAX ForumR遴选台湾第二家指定认证试验室,可提供固定式及移动式WiMAXR测试认证服务。在全球六家WiMAX ForumR指定认证实验室(WFDCL)中,有两家位于台湾,足见台湾在WiMAX领域已受到WiMAX ForumR的肯定,具有深厚的影响力
安捷伦获Sequans行动WiMAX协议符合性测试合约 (2008.06.20)
安捷伦科技(Agilent Technologies Inc.)宣布取得行动WiMAX硅芯片和参考设计厂商Sequans的行动WiMAX协议符合性测试(PCT)合约。Sequans将使用安捷伦的N6430A行动WiMAX PCT系统,对其行动台和基地台参考设计进行先期认证测试
耕兴实验室采用R&S设备通过CTIA认可 (2008.06.19)
CTIA和Wi-Fi联盟最近认证耕兴股份有限公司的内湖实验室为CATL,可使用的R&S TS8991测试系统进行符合无线设备OTA性能测试的测试规划和Wi-Fi无线装置的射频性能评估,扩充在2G/3G移动电话及Wi-Fi行动通讯产品的OTA测试业务
安捷伦WiMAX测试设备获Bureau Veritas ADT采用 (2008.06.10)
安捷伦科技(Agilent)宣布已自台湾最大的WiMAX测试与认证公司Bureau Veritas ADT手中取得行动WiMAX协议符合性测试(PCT)合约。Bureau Veritas ADT主要为国际团体提供行动WiMAX测试与认证服务,他们将使用安捷伦的N6430A行动WiMAX PCT系统来提供WiMAX认证服务
首度对外开放  Agilent在中坜成立无线通信实验室 (2008.03.20)
无线通信量测仪器大厂安捷伦科技(Agilent Technologies)今日(20日)在中坜办公室宣布成立无线通信实验室,将针对WiMAX及其他无线通信设计验证、通讯协议符合性和互操作性测试部分,提供台湾无线通信设备厂商先期验证测试服务
AT4 wireless采用安捷伦WiMAX辐射效能测试设备 (2008.01.30)
安捷伦科技(Agilent)与ETS-Lindgren宣布AT4 wireless无线实验室决定采用他们所提供的WiMAX辐射效能测试(RPT)设备。AT4 wireless是提供WiMAX辐射效能测试的实验室之一。 AT4 wireless美国分公司决定利用ETS-Lindgren的RPT系统来开发RPT能力
AT4 wireless采安捷伦行动WiMAX协议符合性测试 (2008.01.02)
安捷伦科技(Agilent)与AT4 wireless共同宣布AT4 wireless的WiMAX Forum先导实验室将采用安捷伦的N6430A WiMAX协议符合性测试(PCT)与开发解决方案,该解决方案是以Agilent E6651A行动WiMAX综合测试仪为基础,其可用于WiMAX装置的PCT测试
安捷伦取得南韩TTA行动WiMAX协议测试合约 (2007.12.25)
安捷伦(Agilent)宣布将与亚洲最大的测试与认证机构,南韩电信技术协会(TTA)签订行动WiMAX协议符合性测试(PCT)合约。TTA主要为国际团体提供行动WiMAX测试与认证服务,此次希望将安捷伦的N6430A行动WiMAX PCT和开发系统纳入其基地台与行动台测试解决方案中
安捷伦与ETS-Lindgren展出WiMAX RPT解决方案 (2007.10.31)
安捷伦科技(Agilent Technologies Inc.)与ETS-Lindgren在台北WiMAX论坛展览暨会议中展出业界首款WiMAX辐射效能测试(RPT)解决方案。整合Agilent E6651A行动WiMAX 综合测试仪和Agilent EXA信号分析仪的AMS-8500系统解决方案,现在正式纳入了WiMAX RPT
-CRD 6.5 Build 20070618 (2007.06.20)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.1 Build 20070411 (2007.04.13)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
同步正弦波与余弦波产生器优势探讨 (2007.01.22)
背光模块业 发展空间大 (2007.01.19)
目前在整个LCD TV材料成本结构中,背光模块占整体材料比重约30%,相较于17吋监视器面板的21.5%比重偏高,因此在面板厂持续降低成本的努力下,背光模块是面板厂商首号目标
-CRD 6.1 Build 20070117 (2007.01.18)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 6.0 20060607 (2006.06.10)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports
-CRD 5.7 b20051212 (2005.12.16)
CRD (formerly Crystal Reports Distributor) will save you from the mundane job of manually running Crystal Reports daily, weekly, monthly etc. and then exporting them to e-mails to be sent to your clients. It allows you to simply schedule to an email, printer, fax or folder, choose the output format (word, rpt, pdf etc) as well as specify single or packages of reports

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2 意法半导体 VIPower 全桥驱动器搭载即时诊断功能 简化汽车驱动系统的设计与成本
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7 贸泽电子即日起供货ADI边缘运算平台,可支援自主机器人和自动驾驶车中的机器视觉
8 意法半导体推出适用於车用微控制器的可配置电源管理 IC
9 ROHM的EcoGaN被村田制作所集团旗下Murata Power Solutions的AI伺服器电源所采用
10 业界领先的低钳位元电压TPSMB-L 系列汽车 TVS 二极体

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