鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 13
工研院与IBM开启软件加值服务新商机 (2008.09.19)
手牵手互蒙其利 (2008.09.17)
-OpenCV on the Cell/B.E. 20080215 (2008.02.16)
Performance Improvements of OpenCV library by Cell/B.E. . For more information, see http://cell.fixstars.com/opencv/.
-CTK (Cell ToolKit) Project CTK Version 0.73 (2008.01.08)
CTK (Cell ToolKit) is a C/C++ toolkit library for multi-core programming on the Cell/B.E. http://ctk-dev.sourceforge.net/
-OpenCV on the Cell/B.E. 20071128 (2007.11.29)
Performance Improvements of OpenCV library by Cell/B.E. . For more information, see http://cell.fixstars.com/opencv/.
东芝将推出自有的消费性产品处理器 (2007.09.26)
-C-ray c-ray-v1.1 (2007.09.25)
C-ray is a volume raycasting software optimized for Cell Broadband Engine. It is aimed at achieving interactive volume rendering on a very large volumetric data by taking advantage of all the strong features of the Cell B.E.
-CTK (Cell ToolKit) Project CTK Version 0.72 (2007.09.19)
CTK (Cell ToolKit) is a C/C++ toolkit library for multi-core programming on the Cell/B.E.
-OpenCV on the Cell/B.E. 20070907 (2007.09.07)
Performance Improvements of OpenCV library by Cell/B.E. .
-C-ray c-ray-v1.0 (2007.07.06)
C-ray is a volume raycasting software optimized for Cell Broadband Engine. It is aimed at achieving interactive volume rendering on a very large volumetric data by taking advantage of all the strong features of the Cell B.E.
-K-means algorithm for Cell/B.E. cell-kmeans-1.0.0 (2007.07.05)
Implementation of K-means algorithm on Cell Broadband Engine
-CTK (Cell ToolKit) Project CTK Version 0.71 (2007.07.03)
CTK (Cell ToolKit) is a C/C++ toolkit library for multi-core programming on the Cell/B.E.
-Celluster Celluster SRC 0.1 (2007.06.08)
Celluster is an easy adaptable producer/consumer software for distributed computing on a cluster of Cell B.E. processors

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