鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 12
Google MediaPipe快速上手 ━ 浮空手势也能用来当作简报播放器 (2023.05.29)
[专栏]群众外包持续发威 (2016.02.01)
许多人听过群众募资(Crowdfunding),但反而对群众外包(Crowd Sourcing)一词不太熟,严格而论,群众募资属于群众外包的一种。群众外包指的是过去企业自行进行的,或透过卫星工厂、外包企业进行的,改由终端消费大众来进行
社交分享成3C差异化价值 (2014.05.08)
-repeater, FON expander, mesh network robin-r2_c210_meraki (2008.01.22)
Collection of shell scripts creating appliances as Mesh Network nodes, Wireless Repeaters and FON Expanders. Package RO.B.IN permits the creation of a totally 0-config mesh network based on BATMAN algorithm and kamikaze(d) devices
-billigertelefonieren-fritz-lcr 0.1 (2007.11.29)
This is a least cost routing programme (LCR) for the Fritz!Box fon. It uses billiger-telefonieren.de to determine the current cheapest rates (i.e. prefixes like 01013) and the box's web interface to update the rates. Currently useful for Germans, only
-repeater, FON expander, mesh network HowTo ROBIN-1103 (2007.11.04)
Collection of shell scripts creating appliances as Mesh Network nodes, Wireless Repeaters and FON Expanders. Package RO.B.IN permits the creation of a totally 0-config mesh network based on BATMAN algorithm and kamikaze(d) devices
大内高手是Google (2007.09.14)
-repeater, FON expander, mesh network ROBIN-0.22-atheros-2.6 (2007.07.30)
Collection of shell scripts creating a "Wireless Repeater" Appliance or a "FON Expander". Package RO.B.IN permits the creation of a totally 0-config mesh network based on BATMAN algorithm and kamikaze(d) devices
通用的无线讯号扩充中继站应用(利用一般基地台),可将ㄧ般WLAN热点的讯号加长通讯范围。-ponte2 - Repeater AP and FON Expander ponte2-1.0-ff (2007.05.14)
收集的shell scripts通用无线中继电器,也称为客户端桥接器,Madwifi无线设备驱动程式和Linux OpenWRT-ponte2 - WiFi Range Expander test 2007.04.13 (2007.04.16)
收集的shell scripts通用无线中继电器,也称为客户端桥接器,Madwifi无线设备驱动程式和Linux OpenWRT
MIC-2007全球资通讯产业系列研讨会-新竹 (2006.10.27)
从服务、市场、应用及产业等角度观察无线领域,BMW(Broadband Mobile Wireless,无线-行动-宽带)趋势在B3G潮流及All IP影响下,驱动WLAN、WiMAX、3G、3.5G及4G之间产生新融合及挑战
MIC-2007全球资通讯产业系列研讨会 (2006.10.27)
从服务、市场、应用及产业等角度观察无线领域,BMW(Broadband Mobile Wireless,无线-行动-宽带)趋势在B3G潮流及All IP影响下,驱动WLAN、WiMAX、3G、3.5G及4G之间产生新融合及挑战

1 安立知扩展Inline感测器系列 推出低频峰值功率感测器MA24103A
2 明纬推出XLN/XLC系列:25W/40W/60W智能调光LED驱动电源
3 恩智浦新型互联MCX W无线MCU系列适用於智慧工业和物联网装置
4 u-blox新推两款精巧型模组内建最新Nordic蓝牙晶片
5 Microchip推出搭配Kudelski IoT keySTREAM的ECC608 TrustMANAGER
6 安勤专为工业和通信领域推出ECM-ASL 3.5寸嵌入式单板电脑
7 igus推出轻量化ReBeL协作机器人仿生手
8 凌华搭载Intel Amston-Lake模组化电脑适用於强固型边缘解决方案
9 ROHM新增3款6432尺寸金属板分流电阻PMR100系列产品
10 意法半导体新款双向电流感测放大器可提升工业和汽车应用效益


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