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Altera携手Eutecus 打造低成本FPGA视讯分析 (2012.04.17)
现今市场对于视讯分析要求越来越多,包括环境变化、规则增加、实时性的通报等,DSP已无法负荷太过复杂的演算。Altera今(17)日发布了采用FPGA架构的视讯分析解决方案,可同时分析四路D1 480/30fps(每秒帧数)
后手指时代 人机互动怎么玩? (2012.04.16)
与机器间理性而有效率的沟通,一直是人们追求的目标。 从手指、体感到语音,人机间的互动不断创造惊奇与话题。 人机互动的最高境界是什么?尽头又在哪里?值得深入探究
掌纹辨识ATM机 (2012.04.16)
不行了!? Sony宣布裁减一万名员工 (2012.04.16)
为了解决更多经营上面对的问题,日本消费电子大厂Sony提出了新的经营计划,而主要内容,就是裁减一万名员工。 据了解,Sony日前(4月12日)于东京召开了公司经营方针的媒体说明会,说明会上正式宣布2012财务年度(截至2013年3月底)将裁员约1万人
军用显示隐形眼镜 (2012.04.15)
LatticeXP2 Brevia2 Development Kit (2012.04.13)
Downloads Product Brochures The LatticeXP2 Brevia2 Development Kit is an easy-to-use, low-cost platform for evaluating and designing with LatticeXP2 FPGAs. The kit offers free design tools, reference designs, and a small form-factor evaluation board
MachXO2 Control Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO2 Control Development Kit provides a full featured development platform to prototype system control designs using MachXO2 PLDs. The kit features the MachXO2-1200HC device, a Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR1014A, 128Mbit LPDDR memory, 4Mbit SPI Flash and a microSD card socket
MachXO2 Pico Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO2 Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost evaluation platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO2 PLDs. The kit features the MachXO2-1200ZE device, a 7-segment LCD display, I2C temperature sensor and an expansion header for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
Lattice HDR-60 Video Camera Development Kit Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The Lattice HDR-60 Video Camera Development Kit is a fully production ready High Dynamic Range (HDR) camera, designed to fit into commercially available camera housings. The hardware is designed to support full 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second in streaming mode through the FPGA, without the need for any external frame buffer
LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit is the industry's lowest cost design platform for building leading edge systems in a variety of markets such as industrial networking, industrial automation, computing, medical equipment, defense, and consumer electronics
Platform Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The Platform Manager™ product family represents the third-generation of mixed-signal devices available from Lattice. Programmable Platform Manager devices simplify board management design significantly by integrating programmable analog and logic to support many common functions, such as power management, digital housekeeping and glue logic
Power Manager II Hercules Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The Power Manager II Hercules Development Kits are versatile,ready to use hardware platforms for evaluating and designing with Power Manager II devices. A Standard and Advanced Edition of each kit is available. Using the preloaded Board Digital Management design provided with the development kit, you can test within minutes power management functions such as power supply hot swap control, redundant supply selection and payload power management
Processor PM Development Kit (2012.04.13)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
Lattice ispMACH 4000ZE Evaluation Board (2012.04.13)
This board is designed to help you quickly evaluate the ispMACH 4000ZE, prototype your designs, check performance and verify power consumption.
Lattice ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of ispMACH 4000ZE CPLDs. The kit features the ispMACH 4256ZE-MN144 device, Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR6AT6 device, a high-side current sense circuit, a 7-segment LCD display, and an expansion header landing for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
Lattice MachXO Mini Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO Mini Development Kit is an easy to use, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO PLDs. The kit features the MachXO LCMXO2280 device, 2 Mbit SPI Flash and 1 Mbit SRAM memory, a temperature sensor, an expansion header for I2C and SPI interfaces, and several LEDs and user switches
「最像人类」机器人 拥有65种表情 (2012.04.13)
电影「我的女友是机器人」情境即将成真,香港日前于一个购物中心,以一位日俄混血的美女机器人作为橱窗模特儿,吸引许多路人的停留注目,并争相拍照留念。此款机器人名为Geminoid F,动作、表情如同真人,不仅会能做出65种脸部表情,还能真人发声对话,引吭高歌
从体验经济到互动科技 (2012.04.12)
市场上最高价的产品,不是货物,也不是服务,而是绝无仅有的体验, 体验的价值,可以是10块钱,也可以是2亿元, 怎么创造?如何达成?互动,是最关键的途径。
十年抗战 中国电动车大跃进? (2012.04.12)
石油50年、天然气100年、媒200年, 温室效应、臭氧层遭破坏、冰山融化, 在有限的资源即将耗尽、环境因能源使用而严重污染的情况下, 兼具节能及零碳排放量的电动

1 元太联手奇景 推出新一代彩色电子纸时序控制晶片
2 工研院携手产业实践净零行动 聚焦氢能创新、共创绿色金融科技平台
3 国科会114年度科技预算增至1800亿元 拓展AI晶片与资安实力
4 2023创博会汇聚前瞻科技 10/12即将开场
5 Microchip 28奈米SuperFlash嵌入式快闪记忆体解决方案开始量产
6 台湾智慧医疗前进欧洲 跨域展现强实力
7 Synaptics聚焦AI边缘运算 主攻智慧运算与连接技术
8 意法半导体碳化矽技术为致瞻提升新能源汽车车载空调控制器效能
9 友通新款嵌入式系统模组搭载Intel Atom处理器
10 意法半导体高性能微控制器加速智慧家庭和工业系统开发应用


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