CTIMES / Surface多人多点触控技术
扩展性强大的网页编辑语言 - XML

XML的全名为Extensible Markup Language,意即为可扩展标记语言,是W3C所发展出来的网页撰写语言。
电容式In-cell触控技术专利冲击分析 (2012.09.07)
iPhone 5 使用In-cell touch 的触控技术,在良率上让生产的厂商吃足了苦头,连鸿海郭董最赞扬的SHARP都无法克服,量产一延再延。这件事引起的大家的注意,一场In-cell touch技术的再进化已经悄悄的展开,这种大魄力、大格局的创新改变,将面板与触控产业紧紧的绑在一起
MORE THAN TOUCH HMI创新应用与技术研讨会 (2012.04.06)
Elo TouchSystems新款触控显示器支持windows 7 (2011.08.05)
TE Connectivity旗下Elo TouchSystemsm于日前推出2201L触控显示器,2201L触控显示器具有灵活、节省空间设计、LED背光、高画质宽屏幕22”LCD及支持Windows 7多点触控技术。 此款产品可满足耐久性,以及店铺前台、后台、Kiosk,甚至是店外应用的美观要求
3M MicroTouch SCT Surface Impact (2011.06.14)
This video shows the surface durability and shatter-resistance of the laminated and reinforced 3M MicroTouch Sensor SCT7650 (formerly known as MicroTouch ToughTouch II), an important characteristic for interactive technology used in public access applications ranging from 6
How 3M Surface Capacitive Technology Works (2011.06.14)
This video shows the operating principles of 3M Surface Capacitive Technology (3M SCT).
3M Edge Accuracy (2011.06.14)
The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch edge accuracy. In a point-and-click world, icon selections in the corners or along the bezel edge can be challenging with a mouse and nearly impossible with many touchscreen technologies
3M Multi-Touch Speed (2011.06.14)
The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch touch speed. Multi-touch response time is a critical specification yet difficult to measure and demonstrate, so 3M has created a real-time " tachometer" to track the number simultaneous touch points, milliseconds response time and points per second response speed
3M Glove Touch (2011.06.14)
The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch glove touch. In many applications, such as healthcare and public security, glove use is a requirement, so glove touch is an important capability of any touch system. As you can see in these examples, 3M PCT multi-touch technology shows outstanding touch response using up to 10 fingers with multiple layers of latex gloves
3M Multi-Touch Accuracy (2011.06.14)
The following is a 3M PCT demonstration of multi-touch accuracy. 3M PCT multi-touch technology is best known for tracking 20-fingers simultaneously, but the more than 3000 discrete touch points embedded in the sensor allow for precise touch proximity
Imagine the Possibilities of 3M Multi-Touch (2011.06.14)
Whether your touch applications need 2, 4, 10 or 20 finger interactivity, 3M Projected Capacitive Technology can resolve up to 60 simultaneous touch points and let you imagine the true possibilities of multi-touch.
Intel推出多重用户界面之数字电子广告牌新概念 (2010.01.13)
Windows 7与多点触控应用触动人心! (2009.12.08)
由Windows 7的冲击看触控产业发展趋势 (2009.12.08)
Windows 7作业系统应被视为微软其中一环布局,希冀以云端服务整合各种显示介面,辅以多点触控(Multi-Touch)人性化使用介面。微软更意在营造触控发展环境之标准平台,将传统触控运作模式转化为应用程式开发业者、系统开发业者及硬体开发业者三者合作的模式



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