所谓超文本 (hypertext)就是将各类型的信息分解成有意义的信息区块,储存在不同的节点 (node),成为一种与传统印刷媒体截然不同的叙事风格。1965年,Ted Nelson首创Hypertext一词,Andy van Dam et al则在1967年建立了Hypertext的编辑系统。
WEBS-5481-S, Fan-less Box PC and Entry-Level High-End System With Haswell ULT SoC (2014.11.12) Portwell Inc., announces the modernized WEBS-5481-S, a high performance and low power Box PC system with rugged fan-less design, powered by the mobile 4th generation Intel Core ULT (ultra low TDP) SoC (system on chip) processor (formerly codenamed Haswell)