鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 17
HP宣布笔电进入时尚精致时代 (2012.05.14)
-CS-130-Winter-2011-Mashup (2011.02.01)
This project is a school project for cs 130 UCLA for winter quarter 2011.
2011再掀混搭风:平板计算机+小笔电=? (2010.12.21)
2010年即将结束,Intel发表对于2011年的科技趋势预测-12项趋势围绕着更聪明、更强大、而且更实用的科技,主要仍锁定在消费性电子的势力扩大。 最令人注目的预测就是人机接口设计的互动性将更加活泼
安捷伦全新PXI和AXIe量测模块 满足所有量测需求 (2010.10.13)
安捷伦科技 (Agilent) 于昨日(10/12)记者会中宣布,该公司已将量测技术进一步延伸到模块化领域,并发表了48款最新的PXI和AXIe产品。该系列模块化产品的推出,将可执行各式各样的量测,并全面满足所有测试应用的需求
部署和混搭创新支持智能事件-部署和混搭创新支持智能事件 (2010.09.01)
-uEngine Social Mashup (2010.07.30)
uEngine Social Mashup enables full levels of mashup capabilities - Data Mashups, Process Mashups, and Visual Mashups, which incorporates uEngine BPM, Liferay Portal, Open Social, Apache Shindig and OpenAjaxHub.
-MixDEM MixDEM 1.0_Preview_Release (2008.05.22)
MixDEM a web based ETL tools meant for web integration, data transformation and mashup edition. It include MixDEM ETL Engine created using ZEND Framework, and MixDEM GUI Editor an AJAX IDE that enable developers to quickly and easily create applications
报告:2010年行动娱乐市场将超过420亿美元 (2008.03.12)
-p2dir: Phone Number to Directions 0.4-ga-beta (2008.02.25)
The p2dir "phone mashup" provides point-to-point driving directions based on start and destination phone numbers. It combines telephony, speech recognition, reverse number, and driving-direction web services; no Java, GPS, or cell towers needed
在跨功能之间做团队合作以建立反复测试后大家都接受认可的项目工具。-StoryTestIQ 2.0 RC4 (2008.02.11)
-Radria pagebuilder-3.8 (2008.02.01)
Radria (Rapid Development of Rich Internet Applications) is a collection of RAD tools, 100% web based, to build web applications faster. WYSIWYG, Drag, drop, PHP and Javascript reusable, components to build Ajax and Database
-Radria radria_0.8.3 (2007.11.20)
Radria (Rapid Development of Rich Internet Applications) is a collection of tools, 100% web based, to build web applications faster. WYSIWYG, Drag, drop, PHP and Javascript reusable, components to build custom Ajax and Databa
在跨功能之间做团队合作以建立反覆测试后大家都接受认可的专案工具。-StoryTestIQ 2.0 RC3 (2007.11.15)
-acebook 1.0 (2007.10.20)
Acebook is a Facebook mashup application that returns social networking search results in an exportable standard HTML table as the conventional structured data format.
-iMashup oldVersionBackup (2007.09.25)
iMashup is an end user programming toolset for creating personalized, web-based and service-oriented mashup systems in the way of "what you see is what you get". It supports the integration of web services, web widgets and other web data and functions
-VOMON 1.0-rc1 (2006.12.09)
VOMON (Virtual Observatory Monitor) is a web application that can be configured to watch your virtual observatory services. It is a mashup of the AstroRuntime and the MARS network monitor.
强调整合联系及时反应的IT技术将改变企业风貌 (2006.08.11)
市场调查研究机构Gartner预测,未来10年,Ajax、Mashup、位置感知软件、传感器网状际网络等技术将会对企业形成重大影响。 在Gartner的「2006新兴技术发展评估报告」中列举30多个技术的成熟性、影响力和应用程度,各类技术按照Web 2.0、实时因特网(Real World Web)和应用架构(AA)3种主题分类

1 Littelfuse单芯超级电容器保护积体电路用於增强型备用电源解决方案
2 Western Digital全新极速8TB桌上型SSD释放数位创作无限可能
3 LitePoint携手三星电子进展 FiRa 2.0新版安全测距测试用例
4 爱德万测试发表V93000 EXA Scale SoC测试系统超高电流电源供应板卡
5 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud设备管理服务
6 意法半导体新款高压侧开关整合智慧多功能 提供系统设计高弹性
7 安提国际MegaEdge系列新品为边缘AI推论与电脑视觉应用赋能
8 长阳生医推出Miicraft光固化3D列印机 协助牙科提升医疗能量
9 群联电子推出全新企业级SSD品牌PASCARI及高阶X200 SSD
10 中美万泰新一代无风扇热??拔电池医疗级触控电脑


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