
所谓超文本 (hypertext)就是将各类型的信息分解成有意义的信息区块,储存在不同的节点 (node),成为一种与传统印刷媒体截然不同的叙事风格。1965年,Ted Nelson首创Hypertext一词,Andy van Dam et al则在1967年建立了Hypertext的编辑系统。
General lighting (2013.06.14)
General lighting
Smart lighting (2013.06.14)
Smart lighting
Loadswitch DFN2020 MOSFETs (2013.06.14)
Loadswitch DFN2020 MOSFETs
PMA:无线充电技术标准换我发威! (2013.04.19)
专为开发原型而生:mbed平台 (2013.03.28)
微控制器的功能越来越多,灵活性更高,而且价钱亦越多越便宜,但制造产品原型仍然是一个难题。但有适合的工具,这也不是什么大不了的事情,NXP推出的MBED 就是一套专为开发原型而设的工具
NXP-TEA179x (2013.02.28)
Optimized for use in power adapters, this next-generation GreenChip device enables low current consumption, high system efficiency, and a reduced bill of materials.
NXP-TEA171x (2013.02.28)
Ultra-efficient PFC+LLC combo controllers with EuP lot6 compliance
TEA175x (2013.02.28)
TEA175x combines a controller for Power Factor Correction (PFC) and a flyback controller. Its high level of integration allows the design of a cost-effective power supply with a very low number of external components. The special built-in green functions provide high efficiency at all power levels
NXP-TEA173x (2013.02.28)
This compact yet highly featured SMPS controller delivers exceptional efficiency over the total load range and includes Over-Power compensation.
NXP-TEA172x (2013.02.28)
These highly integrated devices enable low no-load power consumption below 10 mW, reduce component count for a cost-effective application design, and provide advanced control modes that deliver exceptional efficiency.
NXP-SSL2129AT (2013.02.28)
The NXP SSL2129AT is a high-efficiency controller IC for superior dimmable LED lighting solutions that typically operates in the lamp power range of 4 to 25 W. The straightforward design produces a cost-effective yet compact application, suitable for use with GU10 and PAR16 formats
NXP-LPC4088FET208 (2013.02.28)
The LPC408x is an ARM Cortex-M4 based digital signal controller for embedded applications requiring a high level of integration and low power dissipation. The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration
NXP-LPC1857JET256 (2013.02.28)
The LPC185x/3x/2x/1x are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embedded applications. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration
NXP-LPC11U37 (2013.02.28)
The LPC11U37FBD64 is a ARM Cortex-M0 based, low-cost 32-bit MCU, designed for 8/16-bit microcontroller applications, offering performance, low power, simple instruction set and memory addressing together with reduced code size compared to existing 8/16-bit architectures
LPC812M101FDH20 (2013.02.27)
The LPC812M101FDH20 is an ARM Cortex-M0+ based, low-cost 32-bit MCU operating at CPU frequencies of up to 30 MHz. The peripheral complement of the LPC812M101FDH20 includes 16 kB of flash memory, 4 kB of data memory, CRC engine
恩智浦加速拓展NFC市场 GSMA支持NFC应用创造新商机 (2013.02.26)
恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors N.V.)与巴塞罗那世界行动通讯基金会(Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation)合作,进一步拓展全球NFC应用服务。恩智浦、巴塞罗那世界行动通讯基金会(MWCapital)和GSMA共同促进NFC技术
JN516x无线微控制器与评估工具演示 (2013.02.22)
恩智浦无传感器/可调光白光LED演示 (2013.02.22)
恩智浦标准线性产品系列简介 (2013.02.22)
LPC800 LPCXpresso开发板简介 (2013.02.22)
LPC800 LPCXpresso开发板简介

1 NXP:电池占电动车总成本4成 精确估算电池组充电状态至关重要
2 Honeywell与恩智浦联手利用AI 加强建筑能源智慧管理
3 NXP:以平台与关键组件来满足软体定义汽车的电子设计需求
4 剖析软体定义汽车电气化架构 威健携手NXP共提解方
5 NXP:智慧家庭将成为未来5年主要市场成长领域之一
6 DigiKey推出MedTech Beyond影集第一季 探讨医疗装置进展
7 [COMPUTEX] NXP技术长Lars Reger:为世界打造能够预测且自动化的智能自主设备
8 NXP看好智慧家庭、电动车与智慧工厂 主攻边缘运算方案
9 贸泽电子已供货适用於智慧型马达控制和机器学习应用的NXP MCX微控制器
10 恩智浦S32N55处理器 实现车辆中央实时控制的超级整合技术


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